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L'Equipe įkalė ilgą ir įdomų straipsnį apie Lyono vidines negandas. Step 1 : Marcelo oro gadinimas...

Vertimas ne aukščiausios kokybės, bet geriau nei skaityt francūziškai ir dar už aštuonis eurus.

Drama, jealousy and betrayal: the story of a season in reverse for OL

The 2021-2022 financial year of the OL, eighth in Ligue 1, is both the most missed and the richest in its recent history. Drama, controversies, betrayals, everything was there. Except a European qualification, of course.

With hindsight, it was a season of vertigo, a black season with incredible narrative resources: failed recruitment, a coach under pressure and in trouble, Juninho's escape in the middle of the season, violence in the stands, the departure of two main shareholders, a season ending in a shambles, no European qualification. This is the one that should have been filmed from the inside. This is the one we will try to tell.

Appointment of the new coach: Galtier fails to deliver

When they are looking for a coach to succeed Rudi Garcia, in May 2021, Lyon's leaders change their method. They had chosen Garcia, twenty months earlier, after interviewing all the candidates, but this time, the president, Jean-Michel Aulas, the director of football, Vincent Ponsot, and the sporting director, Juninho, each draw up a list of candidates. Then they compare them, and make a ranking. In order: Christophe Galtier, Peter Bosz, Lucien Favre, Roberto De Zerbi and Marcelo Gallardo. Juninho wants De Zerbi, who signed very early at Donetsk, but the Brazilian, who appointed Sylvinho and leaned towards Garcia rather than Laurent Blanc, no longer has full powers since the summer of 2020 and the decision of Aulas to appoint Ponsot, director of football.

Aulas and Ponsot implicitly blame Juninho for this failure

OL has heard the rumor of an agreement between Galtier and Nice, but the coach of the French champions leaves the door open. On Tuesday, May 25, a secret dinner was organized at the Villa Florentine. Galtier stayed until 2:30 a.m., and at 4:00 a.m. the OL reached an agreement with his agents. Everything seemed to be in place, even if a L'Équipe alert revealing the not-so-secret dinner arrived on smartphones that evening and upset the coach. The next day, his meeting with Julien Fournier, the sporting director of Nice, made him think. The interview with Garcia in L'Équipe of the day, in which the technician complains about his relationship with Juninho, also counts; even before his meeting with Fournier, Galtier warns the OL that he may have difficulty working with Juninho. In the aftermath, he joined Nice and, at OL, Aulas and Ponsot implicitly blamed Juninho for this failure. At the time of his departure, Garcia wanted to suggest to Aulas that he give the team to Juninho so that he could put his ideas into practice on the pitch. That he did not, because the Brazilian was present at the meeting, does not change anything: "Juni" himself submitted his application, and the club has long tried to find solutions for his graduation, but in vain.

From Thursday, May 27, the OL turns to Bosz, present in the list of Juninho but also Ponsot. The Dutchman played in Toulon, where the director of football of OL is from, and he has the advantage of speaking French, an essential criterion for Aulas. On Thursday evening, Lyon's directors talk to him for four hours on video. On Friday, they discussed with his agent. On Saturday, they reached an agreement with their new coach.

Bosz's choice and recruitment: an invisible claw

The Peter Bosz era begins with a training course in Spain, in Murcia, in a ghostly seaside resort, and after Garcia's sometimes stiff passage, the new coach makes us appreciate a human and warm side, as well as a seductive speech. He stops training, explains, extends his speech in interviews, and Juninho, with whom he gets along very well and talks a lot, contributes to sell the image of a new era and a real vision of football. For a large part of the fans, it will be something different than the Genesio and Garcia eras, which will not be wrong, finally.

Bosz says he is very surprised, internally, by the mentality of Lyon's players In the operation, everything remains complicated, which has repercussions on the recruitment in particular. Like the Gaëtan Laborde episode: everything seemed to be settled on August 30 in the late morning when OL sent Montpellier an offer of €11 million (plus €4 million in bonuses) while Montpellier wanted €15 million plus bonuses. Then the OL did not give any more news, Rennes made a proposal, and Laborde, in the expectation, went to Brittany. At OL, Emerson arrives on loan thanks to Juninho's Brazilian network, Xherdan Shaqiri is proposed by Lucas Paqueta's agent and validated by Bosz, who convinces Jerome Boateng on the wire. This recruitment validated by all will be an absolute failure and nothing is consistent: at the presentation of the Swiss, Bosz will say that it is an axial player, but will align him on the right. And the OL discovers a few days after his arrival that Boateng is the subject of a lawsuit for assault and battery on his girlfriend in Germany: nothing has been thought or anticipated.

If Bosz expresses a precise idea of his game, his results are very quickly out of step with his speech, and the Lyon coach constantly changes his mind about the players: at the beginning, he did not want Sinaly Diomandé, preferred Damien Da Silva to Marcelo, appreciated Castello Lukeba, but sent him back to N2 to prefer Diomandé, and asked for Boateng. The only constant, and his perpetual complaint, will be that of an unbalanced group, which surprises him by the tactical and technical deficiencies of some. But less than a year earlier, a very comparable squad was autumn champion.

The flatulence of Marcelo...

Bosz would like a group that conforms to his ideas, says he is very surprised, internally, of the mentality of the Lyon players, who lack, according to him, investment in the work and tactical culture. After the debacle at Angers (0-3; August 15), where the Bosz signature was still as illegible, he and Juninho decided to permanently dismiss Marcelo, who was catastrophic on the pitch and guilty of "inappropriate behavior" in the dressing room after the defeat. The beginning of the incident? The Brazilian has flatulence in the locker room, laughs with others, and Juninho, who is not especially close to Marcelo, goes out of his depth.

At the end of the summer, Bosz is crossed by a surprising discouragement that he expresses internally. He has the feeling that he will not succeed. He is right, but the Lyon management supports him and he starts fighting again. He is a brilliant and intelligent football teacher, who imagines that his players will listen to him, understand him and apply what he asks. But the high pressure, the positional play, nothing is really set up, we only see bits and pieces.

Nothing is simple. Boateng attacked Léo Dubois in the middle of the match, took Rayan Cherki back into the dressing room, fought with Bruno Guimaraes in training, and again attacked Da Silva, without ever being blameless, while at 0-4 in Rennes (1-4 final score, November 7) Paqueta could not find anything better than to take the ball from Houssem Aouar to take the penalty and save his statistics. On October 21, the Brazilian arrived almost two minutes late for the pre-match talk against Sparta Prague (4-3 for OL) and was punished by Juninho and Bosz, relegated to the bench, and forced to apologize. He will be annoyed, for a long time, to see that Bosz continues to align him in the position of center-forward, but will be paradoxically less effective in his real position. October 24 is a turning point, when OL, which leads 2-0 in Nice after the best performance of its season, is swept away in a few minutes (2-3).

Without a positive streak, how do you build momentum? In a recent interview, Shaqiri pointed out the lack of unity in the Lyon group. This is an understatement: some players are jealous of each other, others hate each other. Nothing new: to get along well, you have to win more often. Some players will drop out. As soon as Jason Denayer doesn't get the extension he hopes for, he drops out. Tino Kadewere, on the other hand, had difficulty getting back into the game during the winter, not having received his normal salary because of his injury: OL owes him more than 200,000 euros, and is begging before finally regularizing a situation that will have greatly affected the player.

Incidents in the stands: Aulas against all odds

It's a black sequence. On November 21, the OL-OM match lasted four minutes, the time it took for Dimitri Payet to be hit on the head by a half-filled water bottle thrown from the north side of the Groupama Stadium. On December 17, the round of 32 of the French Cup Paris FC-OL was interrupted in the first half after scenes of extreme violence in the stands of the Charléty stadium, starting with an aggression of a group of PSG supporters, and continued by the blind and crazy charge of Lyon supporters in the neighboring stands. Verdicts to come: a penalty point in L1, exclusion from the French Cup.

Aulas is back in the front line. You have to see him from afar to judge that he is aging. The dark circles, yes, perhaps, but he still moves at the same speed, riding the same polemics, playing every ball. He just seems a little more isolated than before. There is a bit of football missing around him, since Bernard Lacombe stepped back and since the death of Gerard Houllier in December 2020. During the season, he asked Lacombe to accompany him again on the move. A superstition, a loyalty as much as the memory of happy days.

The OL is facing the storm and the sequence of incidents in the stands. But internally, the feeling is different: if the club cries injustice for the case of the bottle, it remains silent for Charléty, as the facts are serious. Without ever expressing it publicly, the Lyon club is convinced that OM had anticipated everything, and that everything that happened that evening at the Groupama Stadium was the result of the analysis by the Marseille club of the events in Nice, a little earlier in the season (on August 22, the match had been stopped after clashes had broken out on the pitch and in the stands). Because this time, Payet did not get up, and OM made sure not to be the team that was at fault by refusing to resume play. The OL is trapped and conceives a deep feeling of injustice which, curiously, is still not extinguished.

Juninho's departure: an unexpected earthquake

On November 17, four days before the incidents at Groupama Stadium, Juninho gave an interview to RMC. It was recorded in the early afternoon. When it was broadcast by Jérôme Rothen, Lyon's managers and supporters were looking for some air. The Brazilian sporting director announced that he was thinking of leaving the club at the end of the season, evoking "enormous mental fatigue", recalling that in his mind "it was for three seasons". The Brazilian did not tell anyone at OL that he wanted to stop. And if he mentions the end of the season for horizon, the situation is immediately untenable: he will leave his position, in fact, in the days following the interview, and a large part of the club reproaches him for his flight, in the middle of the season.

Juninho, who was probably not made for the job, believes that the OL did not help him to occupy it, and points the responsibility of Ponsot. In a three-way meeting with Aulas, he even said to him in the off-season: "I don't like you, and you don't like me either, but we must work together. The debate, tense, goes further, and the next day, he will receive an email from his president who will ask him to apologize to Ponsot. What he did not do.

No one at the club has called him since he left.

Juninho's grievances go back a long way, but from the start of his third season, they focused on recruitment. He no longer wanted to work with Bruno Cheyrou, and asked for new recruiters and an assistant, a former journalist. Aulas agreed to temporarily direct Cheyrou to the women's team, but after the intervention of Ponsot, asked Juninho to work on the summer mercato with the only two permanent scouts, Michel Rouquette and Patrice Girard. The latter, close to the Brazilian, will also leave during the season, after thirty-two years at OL, to triple his salary at Angers. Juninho would like to replace him with Jean-Marc Chanelet, but Ponsot will finally choose Alain Caveglia in November, when the Brazilian has already left, in his mind.

For Aulas, the Juninho passage is a failure, a regret and an injury. The Brazilian returned home at the beginning of the year. No one at the club has called him since his departure, and the club's TV channel only managed to get him for a few minutes for a documentary on the 20th anniversary of the first title.

At the resumption in January, by hammering his confidence in Bosz, by bringing Romain Faivre and Tanguy Ndombele back, OL hopes to relaunch itself, but never really takes off. Same causes, same consequences, same feeling of a team that evaporates at the first annoyances, and that lacks leaders, despite the efforts of Moussa Dembélé.

Seydoux's surprise communiqué: the end of an era

In a joint press release on March 9, the Pathé and IDG Capital groups, the two main shareholders of Olympique Lyonnais, announced that they wanted to sell their shares, which represent respectively 19.36% and 19.85% of the current capital of OL Groupe. Jérôme Seydoux's group and the Chinese group have mandated the investment bank Raine.

Tired of the behavior of the fans and certain controversies maintained by Aulas

The explosion is multiple, because Seydoux withdraws, because two shareholders make a joint statement while denying the slightest link, and because Aulas, who is used to control everything, discovers the statement on the day of the trip to the field of FC Porto (1-0). The announcement shocked him, in the sense of collision, surprise and injury to his self-esteem.

The Lyon president was not surprised by the substance, but by the form and the moment. Seydoux built the OL with him, more at a distance but always present, since his contribution had allowed the recruitment of Sonny Anderson in 1999. This austere man of few words ("subject, verb, complement, lunch in less than half an hour", summarize those who practice it) has long been consulted for the choice of coaches, to whom he gave a job interview. He is leaving because he is no longer old enough for these adventures, perhaps at 87, because his stepson Thomas Riboud has left the OL to run a bank in the United States, and because he has finally turned away from certain mediocrities. He had a very bad experience with the behavior of Lyon's supporters and certain controversies maintained by Aulas had tired him. Since then, the Lyon president has been struggling to find other investors who would better guarantee him to keep the control of the shareholders and the club. In the club he has been managing for thirty-five years, this is an important moment and a special season, during which he will have seen the greatest player in the history of the club leave without warning, and learned by a press release that his historical partner was leaving him.

And now: the great blur

The failure was made official, practically, on the evening of the quarter-final second leg against West Ham (0-3, April 14; first leg: 1-1), the only defeat of the European season. The next day, Aulas asked Bosz for permission to address the group, continuing to mobilize and manage the crisis, one of the signatures of his reign. But the defeat in Metz (2-3), Sunday, consecrated the failure and the European non-qualification, the second in three seasons. The coming of Nantes, Saturday night, should be surrounded by a special atmosphere.

At the same time, the OL continues, in this spring, to be a club like no other. Next to its stadium, which it owns, its future showroom and basketball hall are starting to be built, below the future tennis academy, in the middle of OL-Vallée, its restaurants, its surf wave, its 5-a-side football fields, its bowling alley. The fans would prefer a team, but it is not certain that the two are incompatible. And that's not necessarily the problem: the OL has spent €175 million on transfers since spring 2019, as if to establish that the problem has not been running out of money, but spending it so badly.

Some agents are told that Bosz will still be here next season The OL will prepare for the continuation, but we do not know with whom. Neither with which shareholders, nor with which coach, nor with which players. Nor with which sporting director, perhaps. Ponsot is the director of football, but he is neither a media man, as he has little taste for the spotlight, nor a man of football, a profile that he does not claim, moreover. In this second part of the season, we still lack a sporting director who is made for this job, to occupy the space between the directors and the staff, to put public pressure on the players, but also on the coach. Lyon's managers now choose coaches like a human resources manager and take the one who wins the job interview, whereas they should perhaps look for the one who will win matches, even if he is less brilliant.

Never before has Aulas kept a coach with so few results: for Guy Stéphan, Hubert Fournier and Sylvinho, this has always been an obstacle. This does not mean that he will not keep Bosz, for whom he has a real consideration. Moreover, the Dutchman is working on recruitment, and when agents discuss extension, they are told that he will still be there, next season. But if he keeps his job, we will have to reinvent the rest, find an identity around the young people, and succeed in recruitment this time. Too many players made us think that they were just passing through and that it wasn't that important. In fact, they are quite absent from the narrative of this season, which, after all, confirms the impressions of the field.
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Geras straipsnis. Gerokai aiškiau, kodėl turbūt antras pagal gerumą squadas Ligue 1 šitaip strugglina šiemet.
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“Thanks to L’Équipe, after a long time, I have come back to Twitter to deny all the allegations. Journalism nowadays is a joke!”

Juninho then added a comment of his own, jokingly playing along with the claim:

“You see, I told you! Defenders need to fart hard, for a long time, and it needs to smell. Yours was only strong, so it was weak.”
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Labai reikėjo šito parašo, nes viskas pradėjo kryptį ne į gerą pusę. JMA sako, kad ateities komanda bus lipdoma aplink šį jaunuolį.
Labai gerai, bet dabar reikia tokio paties veiksmo iš Cherki
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Ir su Gusto iki žiemos būtų neprošal prasitęst..
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velnes wrote: 11 May 2022, 23:47 Ir su Gusto iki žiemos būtų neprošal prasitęst..
Teip ir tikiuosi boardas tai mato. Aulas vakarykštis prisėdimas prie stalo davė žinią, kad klubas dar labiau eis akademijos keliu. Šiemet atkapstyti Lukeba su Gusto yra tikras oro gurkšnis tokiame gėdingame sezone. Realiai su Lopes, Caqueret ir Aouar, tai yra pusė komandos starto, kuris ateina iš vietinės mokyklos.
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Su Petro sutikimu. Pernai norėjo Onanos, bet negavo, o kai pamatė, kad portugalas išmoko žaisti kojomis, tai nebepanoro jokio kito vartininko.
Lopes aptūrėjo tikrai stiprų sezoną, turbut vieną geriausių per savo karjerą. Ir net nepaisant, kad per idiotišką gynybą prasileido pusę milijono golų savo vardo tikrai nesusigadino.
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Luigi wrote: 08 Jun 2022, 19:29
Amžiną atilsį OL.
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Phect wrote: 14 Jun 2022, 15:41
Luigi wrote: 08 Jun 2022, 19:29
Amžiną atilsį OL.
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Luigi wrote: 14 Jun 2022, 19:33Kodėl?
Labiau juokais čia. Reikia tikėtis, kad sūnus geresnis už tėvą. Nes po Hicks ir Gillett ownershipo Liverpulis buvo iki bankroto ribos nustekentas. Fenway Sports Group realiai be 5 minučių bankrutavusį klubą nusipirko.
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Netikėta ir visiškai iš giedro dangaus nukritusi naujiena. Mendes buvo linčiuojamas dėl prastos formos ir kad nė iš tolo neprilygo tam žaidėjui koks buvo Lilyje. Bet, paskutinio sezono antroji pusė viską apvertė aukštyn papais. Brazilas taip susikietino, kad tapo vienas pagrindinių starto žaidėju ir žaidė gerai nepaisant to, kad per pozicijas buvo mėtomas kaip kokia kekšė nuo vienos birkos prie kitos.
Man patinka jo savybė, kad jis yra ramus ir niekada nezyzia. Jei reikia sėdėt ant suolo, tai ir sėdės, jei reikia žaist CB, tai ir žais. Kontraktas pratęstas, kaip suprantu Petro reikalavimu, tai tada klausimas ar ir toliau Mendes bus statomas į CB ar čia dėl apmirusių derybų su visais Tolisso, Sissoko nuspręsta pasitikėjimą atiduot brazilui..? Su visa pagarba Mendes, bet naujo midfielderio vis tiek labai norėtusi.
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Nebus Gillet
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Pasiskaičius L’pool fanų atsiliepimus apie Gillet, tai kažkaip net geriau pasidarė, kad pirkėjas ne jis.
Aulas vistiek lieka ir vadovaus paradui.

O kas bus iš to Textor - laikas parodys.
Bet šita vieta, jei jinai tikrai atitinka realybę, man patiko:
John Textor will invest “a large amount” for OL to invest in this summer’s transfer window (@RMCsport)
Kalbama apie 90M€, kas būtų viso ko reikia padaryt tikrai gerą komandą
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Textor not short on ambition for Lyon. His target for next season is for OL to get back into Europe before competing with PSG for Ligue 1 every year and establish themselves as a club that can consistently compete for continental silverware.
Aulas lieka pagrindiniu vedėju dar bent 3 metams, jei jėgos leis, tai gal ir ilgiau.
Textor tuo tarpu pažadėjo 86M (nežinau kodėl būtent toks skaičius) duoti artimiausiu laiku transferų išlaidoms. Jau net skruostai dega nuo naujų žaidėjų.
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Taigi klubas pasikeitė naują logo.


Dizaineris dirbo kiauras dienas ir naktis, kad sugalvotų kažką naujo ir šviežio ir va, prašau!!! Visiškai pasikeitė ir formos ir spalvos ir dydis bei užrašas, vau!! Sunku net atpažint ar čia tikrai Lyono logo!
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O tai kuris naujas, kuris senas?
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zaliai_geltonas wrote: 05 Jul 2022, 20:14 O tai kuris naujas, kuris senas?
Naujas tas po dešine.
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Nepatinka naujas logo man.
Ta sena raudona geresnė be klausimų, o sena mėlyna labiau tiko su auksine. :)
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Make it happen soon..
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