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by Furis
24 May 2022, 22:19
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

ENIC į klubą meta 150mln svarų. Kol kas neaišku, kokia dalis eis transferams, bet labai jau įdomus timing ir Levy komentarai:

Daniel Levy, Chairman, Tottenham Hotspur said: “The delivery of a world-class home was always a key building block in driving diversified revenues to enable us to invest in the teams and support our ambitions to be consistently competing at the highest levels of European football. Additional capital from ENIC will now enable further investment in the Club at an important time.’’
Kulusevski išperkamas lyg bus kitą vasarą. Tai su žaidėjų pardavimais ir dalim nuo šitos sumos, Paratici atsidaro neblogas warchestas.
by Furis
20 Apr 2022, 21:04
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

:obscene-drinkingcheers: :obscene-drinkingcheers: :obscene-drinkingcheers:

Dabar tik sveikatos ir marš kovot dėl starto

by Furis
08 Feb 2022, 15:19
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Karjerą baigia Moussa Dembele. Tiksliau baigs kitąmet, bet šiandien paskelbė, kad naujo kontrakto niekur nebebus.


Gera proga prisiminti, koks puikus futbolistas jis buvo. Savo pike buvo nusprendęs, kad daugiau kamuolio prarasti jis nebenori, ir tokio plano laikėsi tol, kol kūnas leido. Pirmą kart krito į akį, kai su Fulham maike bossino vs United, bet tada dar neturėjo reguliarios pozicijos ir iki Spursų buvo tai centro saugas, tai wingeris, kartais net puolėjas. Bet kai Papa Poch jį atrado, aptvarkė ir padėjo šalia Wanyama/Dier, tai Moose tapo arguably geriausiu centro saugu ant Anglijos, kad ir neilgam.

Iki šiol gaila, kad jo pikas buvo toks trumpas ir kad kūnas šitaip atsisakė tęst karjerą aukščiausiu lygiu. Pochettino yra sakęs, kad jei būtų atradęs jį anksčiau, būtų padaręs world class saugu dešimčiai metų. O dabar ir liko toks dalinai nepripažintas unikumas, apie kurį tiek Spurs žaidėjai, tiek Hazardai ir De Bruynės atsiliepia kaip one of its kind.

Iki šiol galvoju, ar savo akim esu matęs elegantiškesnį ir unikalesnį žaidėją. Monster with ballerina's feet.
by Furis
04 Feb 2022, 11:42
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Pagrindinės atletikų mintys apie Spurs ir ENIC:
  • "There has been plenty of interest in investing in Tottenham Hotspur in recent years but no would-be investor has received the welcome Forrest Li got in December."
  • "If Li wanted to buy Tottenham outright, the 44-year-old billionaire would have to get very, very close to what the club’s current owners ENIC think it is worth, as the Bahamas-registered investment firm does not need to sell. That price tag is understood to be £3 billion: £2.3 billion for the shares, plus £700 million of debt."
  • "While Li is rich enough to do that, he is more likely to start with a minority stake — £3 billion is a scary number for anyone to write on a cheque and even the biggest hitters tend to do these things in instalments."
  • “It has always been a question of when,” says a source close to Levy and Lewis. “Daniel has said that he is building this to sell it. But there’s hardly a club in the Premier League that isn’t for sale at the right price.”
  • "If Levy does want to talk turkey, he and Lewis would make a huge profit on their investment. Whatever fans might think about their management of the football side of the business, there is no question they have built Tottenham into something far more valuable than it was in 2000, when they bought 29.9 per cent of the club from Alan Sugar for £22 million. "
  • "The Athletic is aware of other suitors, though, with the name of one prominent American family cropping up several times. We have asked this particular family if the rumours are true and they have strongly denied them, so, we will not name them now but we will be paying close attention to their next moves in the sport and entertainment space."
  • "But even aside from Boehly, Levy has held talks over the years with Robert Kraft, owner of the NFL’s New England Patriots and Stephen Ross of the Miami Dolphins, as well as Frank McCourt, who used to own the Dodgers and now owns Ligue 1 side Marseille."
  • "So, whether Tottenham are sold tomorrow, next year or next decade, fans frustrated with Levy’s stewardship of the club should not expect to see him sail off to the Caribbean until he is absolutely ready."
ENIC OUT maršistai tegu pradeda geriau galvoti, kas būtų jei Lewis Tottenhamą parduotų kokiai nors minimai amerikietiškai frančizinei šeimai. Tada nei protestai, nei twitterio postai nepadės.
by Furis
03 Feb 2022, 09:38
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Dar vienas svarbus pasikeitimas klube:

Atėjus Paratici tik laiko klausimas buvo, kada Hitchenso paslaugų bus atsisakyta. Su juo visas recruitmentas buvo total bardak, tai reikalai arba nepasikeis, arba pagerės.

Užtat Matt Law, buvęs gerbtinu šaltiniu, tapo kažkokiu filadelfijum. Pripjovė grybo su transferų gandais, o dabar dar tokį išraitė:

100 years of experience :sci-fi-beamup: gerai kad nepradėjo sumuoti žmonių IQ ar amžiaus.

by Furis
25 Nov 2021, 14:48
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

#THFC pre-tax loss widened from £68m to £80m (£84m after tax), as revenue dropped £32m (8%) from £392m to £360m, though profit on player sales rose £4m to £19m. Partly offset by a £9m (2%) decrease in operating expenses, while net interest payable was cut £6m (15%) to £37m.
The main reason that #THFC revenue only fell 8% was £71m (52%) increase in broadcasting from £136m to £207m, mainly due to deferred revenue from 2019/20, which compensated for COVID driven reductions in match day, down £93m (98%) to £2m, and commercial, down £10m (6%) to £152m.
The only other Premier League club that has published 2020/21 accounts to date is #MUFC, whose £24m loss is much smaller than #THFC £80m. However, there were plenty of large losses already in 2019/20 and clubs’ figures will be worse with a full year of the pandemic reflected.
Clearly, #THFC revenue was significantly impacted by COVID. I have estimated the revenue loss as £133m in 2020/21 (mainly match day £122m and commercial £10m). Added to 2019/20 £35m shortfall, that gives a total of £168m lost in the last 2 years (probably under-stated).
Of course, all football clubs have been significantly hit by the effects of the pandemic, so #THFC £84m loss after tax is by no means the largest in Europe. In fact, it is much lower than Inter £215m, Juventus £184m, Roma £163m and especially Barcelona £422m.
by Furis
25 Sep 2021, 10:59
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Pamenu diskutavom apie 1.5 ar 2 mlrd, tai skaičius biški nustebino. Aišku, nieks 3.5 nemokės, čia labiau norai ir wishful thinking. Bet tai turbūt reiškia, kad jei bus potencialus pirkėjas, jis tikrai turės mokėti 2-2.5mlrd svarų.

Kas turbūt reiškia, kad jokio realaus pirkėjo artimiausiu metu nebus?

by Furis
02 Jun 2021, 19:01
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Negi sunku į transferų temą?
by Furis
01 Jun 2021, 23:58
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Gyvenime yra labai mažai dalykų, geresnių už lojalumą.

Net jei tai ir neįvyks (nematau kaip PSG tą leistų), Pochettino yra švelnus meškiukas ir begalinė šiluma.
by Furis
23 Apr 2021, 09:49
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

O ką egzpertai patart turit? Čia jei linkint gero, ne blogo.

Visi Allegri/Sarri/Martinez/Southgate turbūt neverti diskusijos?
by Furis
23 Apr 2021, 09:07
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

MSM wrote: 23 Apr 2021, 08:19 As tai isvis galvoju kas furis trolina, nes nera logikos jam eiti i totenham. Jeigu iseis siemet, tai tik i Bayern, i kluba kuris jis pats n kartu pasakes yra svajone treniruoti. Tiesa kolkas RB nori parduoti tik po metu uz 20m nustatyta ispirka. Tai del siemet nebuciau toks tikras kad paliks kluba.
Ne aš Nagelsmanną kaip top targetu įrašiau. Prieš spjaudantis kokia čia nesąmonė, siūlau prisimint fachtą, kad tiek Pochettino, tiek Mourinho buvo tarp geriausiai apmokamų lygos trenerių.

O šiaip tai tokia buvo ir patikimiausių žurnalistų žinutė - Nagelsmann yra taikinys #1, bet jį paimti būtų labai sunku. Tai jei jūs supratot, kad Nagelsmann jau pakeliui į Tottenhamą, tai čia jau nepadėsiu.
by Furis
22 Apr 2021, 15:53
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

hippo wrote: 21 Apr 2021, 13:10 O kas bus tikras treneris vasarą? Žmonės prie bažnyčios ir spaudos kioskų nemini kokių variantų?
O kitas, bene patikimiausias Spurs žurnalistas, sako kad klubas labiausiai norėtų:

Ten Hag

Marcelino ir Sarri, pasak jo, yra wide of the mark gandai. Klubui patinka Rodgers, bet turint omeny jo darbdavį ir kontraktą (iki 2025), tai šansų jį paimt turbūt dar mažiau nei Nagelsmann.

Tai jei Tottenham gaus kažką iš Nagelsmann/Ten Hag/Potter, nei vienas variantas neskamba blogai. Ryškus favoritas ir neblogi atsarginiai variantai, turintys savų rizikų.
by Furis
21 Apr 2021, 13:42
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

hippo wrote: 21 Apr 2021, 13:10 O kas bus tikras treneris vasarą? Žmonės prie bažnyčios ir spaudos kioskų nemini kokių variantų?
Vienas iš dviejų patikimiausių Spurs žurnalistų mini akivaizdų variantą:

Skirtingai nei atrodo daugeliui, Nagelsmann iš savęs nėra visiškai neįmanomas variantas. Tik kad ne tik reikės gerai parduoti viziją, duoti garantijų, laisvės, pinigų ir taip toliau, bet dar ir tikėtis, kad niekas iš big boys neateis ir neatims. Nu ir pačio Nagelsmanno noro, savaime aišku. Tai duočiau kokius 5-10%, kad taip įvyks.

Kiti variantai - Ralf Rangnick, Martinez, Southgate, etc - daugiau lazy journalism nei realūs taikiniai.

Ir dar gan svarbus kontekstas naujo trenerio paieškose, tai neoficialūs gandai, kad Levy/ENIC nori parduot Tottenhamą. Buvo teorijų, kad paimt vieną didžiausių pavardžių ant pasaulio (Mourinho) buvo šito plano dalis. Naujas stadionas, konkurencinga komanda, didelis treneris - all in 1 paketas. Tai jei ir toliau toks planas išlieka, Levy gali nesustoti ir toliau pasitaškyti pinigais ant naujo trenerio.
by Furis
21 Apr 2021, 09:23
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Ta proga, kad Levy susiprato pasitraukt iš tos gėdingos lygos, tai gal ir futbolą reiks pažėti. Ai, ir naujas treneris yra, lol.

Apie Ryan Mason nieko čia neprivaražinsi. Nebus iš jo nuolatinio trenerio, bet pelenės istorija galima pasidžiaugti. Local lad, vos nemirė gavęs tą žiaurią galvos trauma lošdamas už Hull, buvo priverstas anksti baigti karjerą, o dabar likusius 6-7 sezono mačus vadovaus komandai, kurioje užaugo. Kad ir kaip baigsis, labai džiugu už jį.

by Furis
19 Apr 2021, 13:04
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Būtų emocijų, jei ne Super Lygos naujienos.

Dabar tai visiškas indifference.
by Furis
24 Nov 2020, 13:43
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Išėjo praėjusio sezono finansiniai duomenys. Minus 64mln svarų:
Revenue for the year ended 30 June 2020 was £402.4m (2019: £460.7m). Reduced revenues were predominantly driven by lower Champions League receipts and the extension of the season beyond the year end.

Operating expenses before football trading have increased to £358.1m (2019: £312.8m), driven by a full year of depreciation of the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (THS) of £71.0m (2019: £24.9m).

Profit from operations, excluding football trading and before depreciation and exceptional items, was £115.3m (2019: £172.7m).

The Club made a loss after all charges including amortisation of player contracts, the rebate to broadcasters centrally agreed by the Premier League, interest and tax of £63.9m (2019: profit of £68.6m).
Matchday revenue: 82mln (+17mln lyginant su 18/19), nors fanai dalyvavo 14 iš 19 mačų.

Broadcasting/media: iš EPL 95mln (-55mln lyginant su 18/19), iš ČL 51mln (-43mln). Post-covid EPL mačų pinigai lyg ir nusikels į kitų metų pinigus, nes žaista liepą, o finansiniai metai baigėsi 2020.06.30.

Commercial: 161mln (+26mln), pamažu pradeda matytis stadiono potencialas iš merchandise/3rd party eventų.

Čia kad suprasti, apie kokią sumą galėtų eiti kalba, jei klubas kažkada būtų parduodamas:
Total assets were £1.87bn (2019: £1.69bn) resulting in property and intangible assets after depreciation and amortisation of £1.58bn (2019: £1.54bn)
O Levy sako, kad jei šiemet fanai ir toliau nebus įleidžiami, laukia dar didesnis minusas:
The 2020/21 season has so far seen no fans at games and this is compounded by a loss of third party events such as NFL, concerts, the closure of stores and visitor attractions. Our estimate for the current financial year of the potential loss of revenue, should the stadium remain closed to fans, is in excess of £150m. Clearly this would be an irrecoverable loss of income.
Kaip tą irrecoverable interpretuoti tai nelabai aišku :think:
by Furis
07 Sep 2020, 11:17
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Galėjo būti smagi defaultinė-bet-gera trečia maikė, tik kažkas sugalvojo klubo logotipą ir Nike ženklą išcentruoti :confusion-shrug:

by Furis
02 Sep 2020, 09:51
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Svarbios naujienos Tottenham Hotspur fronte. Iš pradžių oficialiai:
The Club is pleased to announce the appointment of Trevor Birch as Director of Football Operations. Trevor has extensive industry experience and has held several prominent roles within football, including having previously been Chairman of Swansea City FC and CEO of Chelsea, Sheffield United, Derby County, Everton and Leeds United. Trevor will focus on the development of the Club’s Football Operations.

As part of a wider external remit Rebecca Caplehorn will take on the role of Director of Football Administration and Governance. This newly created role will lead, drive and embed football governance processes, contractual matters and best practice across the Club. It will also allow time for Rebecca to extend her work with the European Club Association, the FA and various related footballing governing bodies and working groups where she represents the Club.

Steve Hitchen has been promoted to Technical Performance Director. This new role will focus on building capabilities to support a world class football infrastructure across senior and youth teams. As Technical Performance Director, Steve will have responsibility for scouting, performance and recruitment analysis and youth recruitment.

These management changes will lead to the creation of a Football Board consisting of Trevor Birch, Rebecca Caplehorn and Steve Hitchen, chaired by Daniel Levy.
Trevor Birch vadovavo tiek futbolo pasaulyje, tiek finansų. CV nekuklus, žino kas vyksta aplinkui.

Jei Swansea fanų paklodės Reddite ir Twitteryje yra kažko vertos, tai Trevor Birch ten užsitarnavo Jėzaus statusą ir iš esmės pertvarkė visą pirkimo/scoutinimo politiką. Nežinau konkrečių to rezultatų pavardėmis, gal kažkas kitas apie tai papasakos. Kaip supratau, tai ne pats pirko, bet pastatė tinkamus žmones pirkti žaidėjus. Ten buvo Chairman, čia bus Director of Football Operations, jei tai kažką keičia.

Tokius pasikeitimus bokalo egzpertui sunku įvertinti, geriau palaukti Spurs žurnalistų nuomonės + kokio Athletic rašinio ta tema. O net ir po dviejų metų įvertint bus sunkoka, kai dabartinė valdžia du metus nenupirko nieko, o du metus perka viską, ko reikia.

O jei dar pridėt konspiracijos:
He was CEO of Chelsea during their sale, CEO of Leeds during their sale, CEO of Portsmouth during their sale, and advisor to Bolton during their sale.

Not saying we're up for sale, but it's pretty interesting.
by Furis
30 Jul 2020, 09:30
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Jau parduotuvėse. Atrodo prastai, ant žaidėjų atrodo biški geriau, bet vis tiek meh. Away, atrodo, neblogai žiūrėsis ant žaidėjų.



by Furis
05 Jun 2020, 11:04
Forum: Tottenham Hotspur
Topic: [Spurs] Naujienos
Replies: 156
Views: 56803

[Spurs] Naujienos

Galvojau surašyti key pointus, bet visas tekstas labai informatyvus.
Tottenham Hotspur have moved to ease some of the financial pressure they face as a result of the coronavirus outbreak by borrowing £175 million from the Bank of England, The Athletic understands.

The north London club met a set of strict criteria to qualify for the government’s Covid Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF), which will provide an unsecured loan — repayable in full at a rate of 0.5 per cent — to give them financial flexibility and additional working capital during the crisis. Spurs estimate they may stand to lose more than £200 million of revenue in the period from the start of lockdown to June 2021.

The CCCF was set up on March 17 to support large credit-worthy companies affected by the pandemic. The Bank of England intends the scheme to be utilised as a way of assisting firms to bridge disruption to their cash flows.

It is only available to firms with an investment grade credit rating — the highest level of credit rating, which reflects at least an adequate capacity to meet financial commitments — and who make a material contribution to the UK economy.

Manchester United are thought to be the only other Premier League club who would be eligible for the CCFF scheme by virtue of having a formal credit rating from an agency. The CCFF is thought to have loaned more than £20 billion so far to around 100 companies, including EasyJet, Marks & Spencers and Greggs. The Bank of England is expected to confirm a list of the companies to have borrowed from it on Thursday afternoon.

Spurs satisfied the CCFF stipulations after they had £525 million of stadium debt refinanced last year. As first reported by The Athletic, Spurs confirmed in September that Bank of America Merrill Lynch and HSBC had helped to refinance the debt on the private placements market in the USA, over long maturities and at low-interest rates.

Under the scheme, the Bank of England has purchased £175 million of “Commercial Paper” — a short-term obligation sold from one company to another for immediate cash needs — from Tottenham. It is not free money, although it comes at a low, commercial interest rate.

Tottenham will have to repay the loan in April 2021, unless they re-draw it for another year, but the cash will assist in seeing them through what is expected to be a highly challenging period. The finance will not be spent on player transfers, with the club unlikely to have any budget for signings in the next window unless they sell.

In a climate of such uncertainty for football and the economy, Spurs view taking this loan as a prudent move that still gives them financial capacity and flexibility through the next year. The money will also enable Tottenham to continue supporting their local communities and stakeholders.

Throughout the coronavirus stoppage, the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium has been made available for North Middlesex Hospital’s women’s outpatient services. In the coming months — except when matches are taking place — it will continue to offer antenatal services, COVID-19 testing and a food hub. The antenatal facilities have been moved to the NFL section of the ground to free up medical rooms for use by football staff once fixtures resume.

Tottenham, like all football clubs, have seen their revenues severely impacted since coronavirus halted sport in mid-March. Manchester United, for example, made a £22.9 million loss in the last financial quarter. But Tottenham have been especially badly-hit given the money they expected to make through their new stadium.

Spurs have not played since they were knocked out of the Champions League by RB Leipzig on March 10 and have missed out on revenue from their postponed five remaining Premier League home games — including Manchester United and derbies against London rivals West Ham United and Arsenal. Last month, they announced a pro-rata refund for season ticket holders.

There is still uncertainty as to how much the Premier League’s rebate to broadcasters will cost its clubs, and at which point next season they can have paying fans back in the stadium. Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy is especially keen to explore new scientific and technological solutions — such as digital health passports and smartphone apps currently being worked on by start-up firms — that might help pave the way for fans to attend games.

As well as those postponed football matches, Spurs have lost out on huge sums from the cancellations of non-football events this year.

The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium was meant to host Saracens against Harlequins in Premiership rugby union in March, two Guns N’Roses concerts in May, Capital Radio’s Summertime Ball concert this weekend, Anthony Joshua’s world heavyweight title fight against Kubrat Pulev later this month, a night of Lady Gaga’s Chromatica Ball world tour next month, England against Australia in the rugby league Ashes in November, as well as two money-spinning NFL games this autumn.

Against such blows to income, Tottenham’s outgoings have still been significant in recent months. A decision to have some non-playing staff salaries paid by the government furlough scheme was reversed following widespread criticism, meaning the club have continued to pay those wages in recent months. And there has been no agreement with the players about a wage deferral or cut, with Levy waiting to assess the broader Premier League situation. The only cut has been to the salaries of the club’s board.

Before play was suspended, Tottenham were one of the most financially secure clubs in the Premier League.

Their accounts for last season, published at the start of the coronavirus crisis, announced that the club made a post-tax profit of £68.6 million for last season, with a pre-tax profit of £87.4 million, the highest in the league.