UEFA Čempionų lyga 21/22

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Jau viskas, mačas šiandien žaidžiamas nebus - nukeltas į rytojų
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The errors by UEFA in the UCL draw:
• Man United drawn vs Villarreal at first (same group).
• Man United not in Atletico Madrid’s pot.
• Real Madrid were in Villarreal’s pot (same nation).
• Liverpool in Atletico Madrid’s pot (same group).

padaryti keturias klaidas reikia sugebeti.
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MSM wrote: 13 Dec 2021, 15:12 The errors by UEFA in the UCL draw:
• Man United drawn vs Villarreal at first (same group).
• Man United not in Atletico Madrid’s pot.
• Real Madrid were in Villarreal’s pot (same nation).
• Liverpool in Atletico Madrid’s pot (same group).

padaryti keturias klaidas reikia sugebeti.
Kas svarbiausia, UEFA sako, jog čia jų external service provideris sufailino, kuris turėjo pasirūpinti sužiūrėjimu kuri komanda prieš kurią gali žaisti. Ta prasme external service provider??? :lol: kai tokiems dalykams third parties yra samdomos, tai puikiai iliustruoja koks casho kraniukas yra šita organizacija.
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Pamanyk, viena - kita klaidelė...
UEFA/FIFA bosų galvos užimtos naujomis pelningomis idėjomis, pvz. - kaip WC paleisti kas du metus...
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fun43 wrote: 13 Dec 2021, 15:53 Pamanyk, viena - kita klaidelė...
UEFA/FIFA bosų galvos užimtos naujomis pelningomis idėjomis, pvz. - kaip WC paleisti kas du metus...

https://www.fifa.com/football-developme ... -cup-cycle
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Idiotų gvardija. Tai gal kasmet padaroms WolrdCupą kaip koks ledo ritulys. Vienais metais brazilai atveš pusiau B rinktinę, kitais metais - kokie anglai ar ispanai. Koks skirtumas, geriausi žaidėjai lošia ar negeriausi, svarbu babkės byra. Šiuolaikinė tiktokerių karta, ta plika masė, kuri pinigus atneš, net nelabai domėsis, kas ten už tas rinktines lošia, svarbu daug blizgučių bus.

World Cupas futbolo tuo ir išskirtinis, kad vyksta kas 4 metus,kad yra elitinis renginys, kuri visi laukia, kurio žaidėjas ką kartą net su trūkusiais ACLais nenori praleist. Atvažiuoja tuo metu visi absoliučiai geriausi.

Kartais nervina sporto šakos, kurios turi per daug PČ (ledo ritulys iš viso kvailiai su kasmetiniu).
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Tai hokėjus kas met vyksta, nes čempo laikas idiotiškas - per NHL playoffus.
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O kas tos pilkos masės? Įdomu, koks tas FIFA kliento paveikslėlis. Aišku tiek, kad neišrankus ir bukas įeina į apibūdinimą.
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kokos wrote: 21 Dec 2021, 17:21 O kas tos pilkos masės? Įdomu, koks tas FIFA kliento paveikslėlis. Aišku tiek, kad neišrankus ir bukas įeina į apibūdinimą.
Millenialsai tiktokeriai, kurių interest in sports žemiausias tarp visų amžiaus grupių ;)
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yodawg wrote: 21 Dec 2021, 18:12
kokos wrote: 21 Dec 2021, 17:21 O kas tos pilkos masės? Įdomu, koks tas FIFA kliento paveikslėlis. Aišku tiek, kad neišrankus ir bukas įeina į apibūdinimą.
Millenialsai tiktokeriai, kurių interest in sports žemiausias tarp visų amžiaus grupių ;)
Milenialsai nelabai jau tiktokeriai. Zoomeriai - taip.
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Šiaip aš absoliučiai nenustebčiau, jei tai kartai, kuri dabar ankstyvoj jaunystėj ar dar auga, futbolas gali būtu nuobodus, per ilgas ir t.t Kažką tokio ir Flo Perez kalbėjo, kai super lygą pristatinėjo. Akivaizdu, kad ir FIFA nujaučia, jog futbolas gali prarasti dalį susidomėjimo ateityje, bet tas godumas jau nebeturi ribų.
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Nelabai įsivaizduoju, kuria dalim vyksta mąstymas, kai tu matai krentantį susidomėjimą, bet bandai didinti pasiūlą. Tai kam dar labiau didinti beprasmių rungtynių skaičių?
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pauleska wrote: 22 Dec 2021, 04:54 Nelabai įsivaizduoju, kuria dalim vyksta mąstymas, kai tu matai krentantį susidomėjimą, bet bandai didinti pasiūlą. Tai kam dar labiau didinti beprasmių rungtynių skaičių?
Tai beprasmės čia bokalo ekspertams atrodo.
Kai didelėm raidėm užrašai Brasil vs France, tai gali sukt ir sukt tą patį. Nors ir kas antrus metus.
Aišku, jie irgi atsirems į tai, kad devalvuos tuos vardus.
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Na puikus vakaras išpuolė. Ir City gavo paragaut Čigono košės, ir Čigono armija praskrido iš ČL su fejerverkais. Visiška win-win situacija. Dar labai juokinga kai šitas Napoleono komplekso kamuojamas treneriukas kažką ten apie respectą bando pezėt.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:
Atletico pushed to 'madness' because of Man City time-wasting, says Koke
https://www.goal.com/en-au/news/atletic ... 0ac8404640

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Kadangi Konate išmušant sviedinį, šis atsitrenkė į Fabinho, tai laikoma unintentional, dėl to Benzema nuošalėj. :handgestures-thumbup:
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Sachtarius gal ne toks stiprus ir patrauklus kaip Lucescu ir brazilų laikais,bet šiandien turi galimybę patekti į atkrintamąsias pergalės atveju.
Pas ukrainiečius žaidžia toks jaunas Mykhailo Mudryk pasižymintis išskirtiniu greičio ir driblingo deriniu.
Žodžiu vertas dėmesio,galimai kylanti žvaigždė,tai kartu su Napoliu gruzinu,tokie ryškiausi Rytų europos talentai.
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Tai Benfica laimi grupę ir nustumia PSG į antrą vietą dėl išvykoje daugiau pelnytų įvarčių. :clap: :lol:
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UEFA was responsible for the Champions League final fiasco in Paris last May, while Liverpool supporters were ‘instrumental’ in saving lives on the night, an official inquiry commissioned by the European football governing body has found.

A panel of experts including politicians, academics and lawyers was set up by UEFA itself last summer to investigate the chaotic scenes at the Stade de France, where Liverpool fans including women, children and the disabled were tear gassed by riot police, mugged by armed gangs of local youths, and kettled into dangerous crushes as they tried to enter the stadium to access European football’s showpiece fixture.

The group has now finalised it conclusions which lay the blame firmly at UEFA’s door, with its report saying that the organisation’s pre-match planning was based on an ‘absence of overall control or oversight of safety and security.’ The report has been leaked to some media in advance of its official publication.

The findings of the 158-page report reveal that senior figures at UEFA were aware that the organisation was ignoring its own safety and security policies in the build-up to the match, but did not act to rectify the situation, throwing into serious doubt the positions of key members of its hierarchy including President Aleksander Ceferin.

‘UEFA’s lack of oversight upon delegation of private safety and security matters, deference of all such matters in the public space to policing authorities, and simply not following its own safety, security and service requirements, was a recipe for the failures which occurred,’ the panel found. ‘Senior officials at the top of UEFA allowed this to happen, even though the shortcomings of its model were widely known at senior management level.’

Prejudices about Liverpool fans on UEFA’s part meant its own policies on safety and security at football matches were ‘ignored in favour of a securitized approach which was inappropriately based on incorrect assumptions that Liverpool FC supporters posed significant threats to public order,’ the report continues. ‘That inexplicable misconception resulted in a policing approach that lacked capacity for engagement, and which actively failed.’

UEFA abdicated its responsibility to ensure the safety of spectators attending its season finale, the panel found, and ‘should have retained a monitoring and oversight role [of security], to ensure it all worked. It self-evidently did not.’

Furthermore, there was ‘no evidence’ to support the ‘reprehensible’ claims made by UEFA and the French authorities in the aftermath that masses of ticketless Liverpool fans attempting to gain illegal entry to the match were at fault. ‘Assertions regarding huge numbers of ticketless supporters, and those with fake tickets, have been wrongly inflated and have been stated as fact, to deflect responsibility for the planning and operational failures,’ the report reads.

Instead, the panel’s findings heap praise on fans who attended the game, saying that their behaviour significantly contributed to the narrow avoidance of a ‘mass fatality catastrophe.’

‘The collective actions of Liverpool FC supporters were probably instrumental in protecting vulnerable people and averting what might well have been more serious injuries and deaths,’ the panel found. ‘It is remarkable that no one lost their life.’

The report is also critical of the role and response of the French authorities, including the police force, French Football Federation, and rail operators, as well as government ministers Gérald Darmanin and Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, who conducted a campaign to smear fans and protect the reputation of the French state in the days and weeks after the final.

The panel was ‘astonished that the [French authorities’] policing model was influenced by a view of Liverpool hooliganism based on Hillsborough,’ and added that ‘it should have been obvious’ to the French state that it was necessary to save CCTV footage from around the stadium rather than allowing it to be ‘automatically’ deleted.

The French police force, meanwhile, failed to provide a summary of its plan for policing to either UEFA or the French Football Federation before the match and ‘exacerbated’ crushing around the stadium with heavy-handed tactics.

Worryingly, the panel concluded that it is ‘concerned that there remains a misconception [among the French authorities] about what actually happened and a complacency regarding what needs to change. This is particularly acute given the proximity of the Rugby World Cup and Olympic and Paralympic Games and the importance of the Stade de France to both events.’

21 recommendations have been made to UEFA by the panel in order to ensure that a similar, or worse, fiasco cannot happen again in future. They include UEFA publishing a public action plan for improvement online, communicating more openly with supporters attending its matches, and co-operating to a far greater degree with local authorities during safety and security planning for future events.
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